Construction Industry Training Network (CITN)

Ground Disturbance Level II® - Alberta (In-Class)
Provided in partnership with Global Training Center
Tuesday, August 19th, 2025
Global Training Centre
253022 TWP Rd 240
Strathmore, AB
T1P 0R5
Google Map
Registration Deadline
Thursday, August 14th, 2025
Event Description

This one-day program is designed for any party that is supervising a Ground Disturbance, independently performing a Ground Disturbance, or issuing and receiving Ground Disturbance permits. The program ensures that Level II® personnel is familiar with, and fully understand, all the regulations and variances involved when a Ground Disturbance takes place. The course is presented in a logical sequence – from the pre-planning stage to the actual dig – and highlights the ‘musts’ compared to the ‘shoulds’. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Clarify the sources when searching for underground facilities
  • Providing notification to the facility owner
  • Receiving owner notification
  • Approvals/Crossing Agreements
  • Regulations
  • Creating the Plot Plan/Site Drawing
  • Line locating
  • Exposure
  • Back-fill inspections
  • Permits and pre-job meetings
  • Emergency Response Plans
  • Contacting an underground facility

Global Training Centre is pleased to announce that the Ground Disturbance Level II® classroom course has been endorsed to the BCCGA Ground Disturbance 201 Standard (British Columbia), effective as of Aug. 21, 2019. It is possible for a student to complete multiple jurisdiction training on the same day by completing a Ground Disturbance Level II® Alberta class with one addendum and then completing the required additional training for the second addendum afterward. This would take 1-1.5 hours of additional instruction after the regular class for the Addendum, Exercise, and Exam for the second jurisdiction. Alternatively, a student will be able to return at a later date and request the second jurisdiction as well. However, their second ticket will be valid only for the period of the original class. The BC Addendum add-on is an additional $41.00 ($39 plus $2 BCCGA Certification Fee) plus applicable taxes and fees.

Important:  Photo ID is required to receive a certificate. 



The competencies of this program are tested and measured through 100% participation in the learning objectives. Participants must achieve a minimum 80% pass mark on a written competency exam.

Level II® is the standardized program recognized by industry regulators.

Certification is valid for 3 years. This course is assessed to the ABCGA Ground Disturbance 201 Standard.


Delivery Method:  Classroom Session 

Course Fee Includes:  All books and materials, and upon completion a certificate. 

This training session is being offered in partnership with Global Training Center.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for All individuals, including supervisors, ground disturbers, excavators, project managers, and workers, who work in the ground disturbance (excavation) industry.


Contact & Support

For support or inquiries, please email [email protected] or call 604-293-2339.

All prices in Canadian dollars
Ticket Price
Attendee Registration for Workshop
CITN Member $140.45
BC Road Builders Member $140.45
ICBA Member $140.45
Non-Member $156.05
8:00am - 5:00pm
Cancellation &
Refund Policy


Cancellations received at least 14 business days prior to the course will result in a full refund.

Cancellations received less than 14 business days but more than 7 full business days prior to the course are subject to an administration fee of $100 per day for full and half-day seminars, or $25 for breakfast sessions.

Registrants who do not show up for a course, and/or who do not notify CITN at least 7 full business days prior to the course date will be assessed the full cost of the course. There will be no refunds or credits in this case.

Substitution of attendees is permitted up to and including the day of the course.



CITN may have to postpone or cancel courses due to insufficient enrolment, in which case CITN’s liability will be limited to a refund of the registration fee.

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